Sunday, July 19, 2009

Portlandia, I'll Miss Thee

After the longest period I've spent in my hometown in several years, I'm saying farewell to the hackey-sack kicking hippies, the verdant, gray-skied parks and the varied, delicious cuisines of Portland.

My money is changed (for holographic, high-tech looking yen), my bags are in the process of getting packed and I've seen most of my friends for what promises to be the last time (non-digitally, at least) for a long time. On Monday, I'm headed to California to visit family I haven't seen in far too long before I finally embark for Japan.

This is, rather self-evidently, my first blog post on this, my first blog. Trying to get past feelings of self-indulgence in such a venture (especially since my verbiage is prone to self-indulgence) is another new experience. I am comforted by the fact, however, that if you're reading this you're probably a family member or friend and may have asked for some form of report from The Far East.

This blog's primary purpose will be to tell all about my unfolding experience teaching English in Japan, but I'm sure geeky pop culture ramblings and tales of my culinary exploits will probably color my posts as well.

As much as I'll miss everything about Portland, I'm looking forward to living in Nyuzen (known, apparently, for their jumbo watermelon), and immersing myself in another way of life. I've heard that English is less common in my town than most, so I'm sure my Japanese will vastly improve.

I may post again from California.


PS. If you're wondering why I'll miss Portland's amazing foodscape: click here (via MetaFilter). Yes, I also tried it. Yes, it was good.


  1. Enjoy Japan! I'm sure it will be quite an adventure. Do keep us regularly updated.

  2. Revan, I'm so excited to have found your blogspot info on facebook. I will follow and share in your adventure from Vancouver, WA!
